Stéphan - Eloïse Gras

Stéphan - Eloïse Gras

Assistant Professor
Sciences Po Paris

Stéphan-Eloïse Gras, is a researcher, entrepreneur and an independent board member at Probabl:, a new AI company built around popular open-source library sci-kit learn. With over 15 years of international experience in the digital sector, her passion for AI, education, innovation, and impact in emerging markets has been a driving force in her career. Previously, she served as the CEO of Digital Africa, a 130M€ initiative launched by French President Emmanuel Macron to support African start-ups in their early stages. She also co-founded the open innovation bootcamp Africa 4 Tech and led the strategic development in Africa for the online education platform Open Classrooms. Gras holds a PhD in Communication Sciences and in Philosophy. Her doctoral thesis traces the emergence of the first AI models through the analysis of a music recommendation algorithm acquired by Spotify in 2014. She teaches at various institutions including Sciences Po-Paris, New York University and Sorbonne. Currently, she is writing a book about the geo-economics of AI.

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Stéphan - Eloïse Gras

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